
Event Highlights

Business Matchmaking​

Business matchmaking platform is a highly focused form of B2B networking that has become a valuable and integral part of many business conferences. In as little as 20 minutes, entrepreneurs and business professionals can identify and launch potentially rewarding B2B cooperation and business partnership. B2B matchmaking is a fast and easy way to introduce your business to both potential partners and new markets.


By registering and participating in our B2B platform, the organizers will seek out and set up meetings between you and the companies of your interests, according to the preferences you provided. It enables you to meet and connect with multiple companies all at the same place and same time, boosting your productivity whilst saving lots of expenses.

Technical Presentation

As part of our comprehensive program, we cordially invite all participating exhibitors to attend our complimentary Technical Product Presentations (TPP).


We invite all professionals from the Defense, Aerospace, Maritime, and Security sectors to attend the numerous free technical presentations on the latest solutions and techniques at INDO DEFENCE, INDO AEROSPACE, and INDO MARINE 2024.


Attendance is complimentary, however, seating is limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Please register directly with the presenting companies to secure your seat.

Digital Directory

A digital directory is a collection of data on companies or businesses participating in an exhibition. In the digital directory there is general company data, such as company information, company contacts, products, digital advertisements, and supporting information to facilitate company searches by differentiating based on the business category, products and services of exhibitors.

The Top VIP Guests and Professionals will be Present

High-ranking officials from the Indonesian Army, Navy, Air Force, and Police will be in attendance. Furthermore, delegations from diverse regions across Indonesia are scheduled to participate in Indo Defence 2024. General-level military officials will be provided with escorted tours and one-on-one meetings with exhibitors.

Seminar / Forum

Indo Defence Forum is designed to offer you the most cost effective marketing opportunity to gain access to top military and defence officials and decision makers in one location. Make sure you benefit from this biannual event.

Top defence personnel from the region are expected to attend at Indo Defence 2024 International Forum to share experiences and address key issues facing the region. The forum will provide the perfect opportunity for defence, aerospace, maritime, and security professionals practitioners to networks with industry leaders.

Live Demonstration Show

Live Demonstration show is one of the programs given to all exhibitors of the Indo Defence 2024 Expo & Forum to demonstrate their products in an outdoor area with an area of 80 x 120 meters, equipped with LEDs, vehicle obstacles and decorations that make demonstration activities more attractive and dynamic. It will be held for 4 days divided into several sessions, with a special live demo at the opening ceremony.


Trade Visitor and Professional

The exhibition is open to professionals, business, and trade visitors only.
There is no charge to visit the exhibition.
The general public and visitors below 18 years old are not allowed entry during trade days.


Exhibition hours

  • 12:00 – 18:00 (11 June 2025)
  • 10:00 – 18:00 (12-13 June 2025)


Admission is FREE.
All visitors must be properly attired. Any trade visitor in shorts, sleeveless t-shirts/shirts, slippers will NOT be permitted entry.
Organiser reserves the right not to permit entry to any individual, organisation or group at their discretion.


PUBLIC VISITORS (with admission fee IDR 50.000)

  • 14 June 2025
  • Exhibition Hours : 10.00 – 19:00 WIB
  • Open for public

Who Should Attend

  • Diplomats & Senior Government Officials
  • Ministry of Defence
  • Armed Forces Hierarchy
  • Local Government
  • Airport and Seaport Authorities
  • Senior Management of Defence
  • Defence Procurement Experts
  • Sales & Marketing Executives
  • Research & Development Specialists
  • Consultants
  • Engineers
  • Law Enforcement Agencies
  • Distributors, Suppliers and Agents
  • Journalists
  • Government Defence Security Personnel, Defence & Security Industry Professionals & Executives and other specially invited guests.
  • The Visitor Ticket does not imply authority of entry. Proof of qualification is required at the entrance.
  • Visitor badges are non-transferable due to security reasons. You may be asked by security personnel to present proof of identification before entry into the exhibition.
  • Dress code Working uniforms / business attire.
  • No weapons permitted.
  • The general public and visitors below 18 years old are not allowed entry during trade days.
  • Those in shorts, bermudas, flip-flops/slippers will not be allowed entry into the exhibition and conference

A digital directory is a collection of data on companies or businesses participating in an exhibition. In the digital directory there is general company data, such as company information, company contacts, products, digital advertisements, and supporting information to facilitate company searches by differentiating based on the business category, products and services of exhibitors.

Click here

How to register

If you are eligible, kindly take note of the two ways to register for Indo Defence :

The Pre-registration form will be activated 3 months before the show. All pre-registered visitors will have their own dedicated counters ensuring fast and efficient processing.

By pre-registering you can see list of exhibitor, technical product presentation, product highlight, and make a meeting with exhibitor


Scan this QR or


Fill out the form and submit


You will received confirmation email with barcode [pdf]


Scan your barcode at Self Registration Counter on site


You will receive a badge

Once the pre-registration deadline has passed, visitors will have to register on-site during the show.


Scan this QR [username and password available on site]


Fill out the form and submit


You will received confirmation email or/and Whatsapp message with barcode [pdf]


Scan your barcode at Self Registration Counter on site


You will receive a badge