Visit the INDONESIA Delegation Showcasing Defence Innovation at VIDEX 2022, Hall A, A23

The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Indonesia will be exhibiting VIDEX 2022 in Vietnam from 8 – 10 December 2022 in Indonesia Pavilion, Hall A,  A23.  Indo Defence 2024 Expo & Forum will be at Indonesia Pavilion on Hall A, A23 and gather with other 9 companies from Indonesia: PT (Persero) Dahana PT… Continue reading Visit the INDONESIA Delegation Showcasing Defence Innovation at VIDEX 2022, Hall A, A23

Press Conference Indo Defence 2022 Expo & Forum

Terbesar se-Asia Tenggara, Indo Defence 2022 Expo & Forum Digelar di Tiga Lokasi Jakarta – Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemhan) bekerja sama dengan PT Napindo Media Ashatama menyelenggarakan Pameran Industri Pertahanan terbesar se-Asia Tenggara Indo Defence 2022 Expo & Forum yang digelar di tiga lokasi secara bersamaan, masing-masing di JIexpo Kemayoran sebagai pusat aktivitas, kemudian di Pangkalan… Continue reading Press Conference Indo Defence 2022 Expo & Forum

Space Seminar Road to Space Summit , Indo Aerospace 2022

Seminar Keantariksaan “Pemanfaatan Ruang Angkasa Dalam Rangka Keamanan Nasional” JAKARTA, – TNI Angkatan Udara, National Air and Space Power Center of Indonesia (NASPCI) dan PT Napindo telah melaksanakan Seminar Keantariksaan yang mengangkat topik “Pemanfaatan Ruang Angkasa Dalam Rangka Keamanan Nasional” pada Rabu, 31 Agustus 2022, yang merupakan satu rangkaian perjalanan menuju Space Summit yang… Continue reading Space Seminar Road to Space Summit , Indo Aerospace 2022

Visit the INDONESIA Delegation Showcasing Defence Innovation at IDEX 2021, 03-C31

Visit the INDONESIA Delegation Showcasing Defence Innovation at IDEX 2021, 03-C31   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 2021   Visit the INDONESIA Delegation Showcasing Defence Innovation at IDEX 2021, 03-C31. Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Indonesia with Indonesia group of 12 companies will be exhibiting at Indonesia Pavilion at IDEX 2021 in Abu Dhabi… Continue reading Visit the INDONESIA Delegation Showcasing Defence Innovation at IDEX 2021, 03-C31

Indo Defence 2022 Expo & Forum Is Going To Mark On 2 – 5 November 2022

Indo Defence 2022 Expo & Forum Is Going To Mark On 2 – 5 November 2022     INDO DEFENCE 2022 EXPO & FORUM – is going to mark its 9th edition on 2 – 5 November 2022 at Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) Kemayoran, Jakarta – Indonesia. The expo is hosted by the Ministry of… Continue reading Indo Defence 2022 Expo & Forum Is Going To Mark On 2 – 5 November 2022